Title     PM 2.5 Dust Monitoring System with Small Particle Counter

Hospital / Institution: Fak Tha Hospital, Fak Tha District, Uttaradit Province

Author's Name: Mr. Jaras Seeka  Degree Abbreviation: B.Sc.

Presenter's Name: Mr. Jaras Seeka Degree Abbreviation: B.Sc.

  1. Abstract: Not more than 1 page of A4 paper comprising the following content

          The principle and situation of PM 2.5 exceeding the standard are significant issues in Thailand, affecting the health of all age groups. Fak Tha District, Uttaradit Province, annually exceeds PM 2.5 dust standards. The main causes are 1) forest fires 46.72%, 2) agricultural waste burning 35.48%, 3) general household waste burning 17.80%. Due to the availability of only 1 monitoring station, data accessibility and notification systems are still insufficient.

          Objectives of the innovation project: 1) Develop an affordable PM 2.5 dust monitoring system and integrate data into an online system. 2) Monitor and alert health issues impacted by PM 2.5.

          Innovation scope: Develop a small-sized PM 2.5 dust counter, cost-effective, capable of internet connection. Develop a web application system to receive data from PM 2.5 dust counters and display data on the number of people affected by PM 2.5 through a Dashboard. Alert system through Line OA and Line Group, MySQL database system, and Dashboard development. Implemented in Fak Tha District, create a prototype PM 2.5 dust counter, test internet connectivity, connect to the database to obtain reliable PM 2.5 measurements, and test at the same monitoring station as the Dustboy model plus, adjusting values to be close. Display results through the Dashboard, alert via Line OA and Line Group, evaluate user satisfaction, 82.4% usage by the public.

          Innovation results: Fakthapm2.5 dust counter can measure PM 2.5 dust, display values on screen, send data to the system, view once per minute, notify PM 2.5 values via Line Group and Dashboard. https://fakthaapp.moph.go.th/fakthapm/

          Benefits: Fakthapm2.5 dust counter installed in communities, schools, sends data and recommendations via web applications. The public can access information and take actions for community monitoring.


Sertthaksan, S. (2018). Analysis of PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter in the atmosphere using wireless particulate matter monitors in the northern region of Thailand. Journal of Innovative Technology Research, 2(1), 59-78.

National Research Council Office. (2021). Air Quality Index. Retrieved from https://pm2_5.nrct.go.th/definition

Pongphab, D., & Santakij, P. (2021). PM2.5 Dust Monitoring and Alerting via Line Application. UTK Research Journal, 15(2), 45-57.

PM 2.5 Dust Monitoring System with Small Particle Counter - Full Version

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