A. Responsibilities and Goals

To produce and provide food in accordance with nutritional principles, therapeutic nutrition, and the doctor's treatment plan, including control of food sanitation, modification of patients' and relatives' eating behaviors to enable them to take care of their health by choosing suitable food. This also includes continuous development of nutrition personnel quality according to their roles and responsibilities.


B. Scope of Service (If it is a patient ward, specify important disease groups in this unit as well) Capabilities, Limitations

Perform individual and group nutrition education, covering the process of screening and assessing nutritional status, producing and providing food according to appropriate therapeutic nutrition principles for the illness and the doctor's treatment plan.

Nutrition Department Personnel

1. Personnel

Dietitian                            1 person
Cook                                 2 persons

Nutrition Department Personnel

Cinque Terre
Ms. Pornpimon Promsuwan

Head of Nutrition Department

Cinque Terre
Ms. Somjit Kumpat


User profile picture
Ms. Penpitra Meema


For inquiries: The Nutrition Department is happy to provide quality patient care according to professional standards.
For suggestions and service inquiries, contact 055489-339 ext. 151 or 0932090803